How to Upload Playbook as a new Playlist

This feature enables you to upload your presentation to Hudl as a playlist, making it easy to organize and share with your team.

Discover how to upload a presentation created with Pro Quick Draw into Hudl by utilizing the Upload Playbook as New Playlist feature in this informative video

Note: You must have Hudl Gold or above in order to use this feature

  • Go to the Hudl tab up top in PowerPoint
  • Select the Upload Playbook as New Playlist Button on the far left

After clicking this button, use the menu option to determine where you want your playlist to live.


Chosen by clicking the correct folder location on the left menu

Edit Name

Type the name of your playlist

Notify Email

You must add an email in order to confirm the uploaded playlist

Export Template
This is not needed but if you wanted to change the look of your presentation on the fly use this option.

  • Transform to Template - choose another PQD Template
  • Flip Drawing: Change the vertical aspect of your drawing

Export Range

Select which slides or all if you want specific slides to upload to Hudl

You can upload presentation with or without PQD slides. This can be used as a great tool to use to share generic presentations with players/staff/parents.


Now when you select upload It will put this presentation into Hudl


Next Steps: View Job Status of your Hudl Playlist