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Download from the Dashboard

As a user, you have the ability to download your Pro Quick Draw products from the dashboard within the Download tab.

How do I Download Pro Quick Draw

  • Go to dashboard.pqdcloud.com
  • Login using your credentials.
  • Go to the Downloads tab on the left side
  • Find the Pro Quick Draw (Latest Version) and click Download.
  • This will begin to run the installer.

If you have Integrations using Catapult/PFF/Hudl/QwikCut you will need to also download and install the Integrations Video Tools. This is a one time download for that machine.

How do I Download Pro Quick Draw for other users?

You can use the following methods to fit what best works for you.

  1. Go one by one to each machine and follow the steps above on the desired machine.
  2. Invite the user to the dashboard.
    1. To do this, create the user within your account by clicking:
    2. Enter their name, email and role
    3. Send the invitation to the user by clicking the icon on the right side of their information.
    4. After they have created their own credentials they will need to follow the steps above.
  3. Save the installer to a shared drive, have the user run the installer. Share their license key using the dashboard either by copy/paste or emailing their key.

You do NOT have to invite all of the users to have dashboard access. 

What Downloads are available?

This menu will show the products you have available to download.

  • Pro Quick Draw: This is our main product that will allow you to activate Pro Quick Draw on a machine
  • Integrations Video Tools: If you have purchased our video integrations package with Catapult, Hudl, or Qwikcut you will need to run this installer on the licensed machine.
  • Other Downloads: Templates, field backgrounds, social media material

The Pro Quick Draw staff has the ability to add custom templates or material that will enable a user to download the content directly to their machine either from the dashboard or directly in our software through the Download tab within the Settings Button. This is only available after you have run the initial download.
